The Power of Showing Up: How Parental Presence Shapes Who are Kids Become and How Their Brains get Wired, by Dr Daniel Siegel and Dr Tina Payne Bryson
Parenting from the Inside Out, by Dr Daniel Siegel and Mary Hartzell
The Carpenter and The Gardener: What the New Science of Child Development Tells Us About the Relationship Between Parents and Children, by Dr Alison Gopnik
The Highly Sensitive Child, by Dr Elaine Aron
I Love You Rituals, by Dr Becky Bailey
The Whole Brain Child, by Dr Daniel Siegel and Dr Tina Payne Bryson
No Bad Kids, by Janet Lansbury
The Read Aloud Handbook, by Jim Trelease
The Philosophical Baby: What Children’s Minds Tell Us about Truth, Love, and the Meaning of Life, by Alison Gopnik
The Irreducible Needs of Children, by T Berry Brazelton and Stanley Greenspan
Please explain anxiety to me!: Simple biology and solutions for children and parents by Jordan Zelinger and Laurie Zelinger
Please explain terrorism to me: A story for children, PEARLS of wisdom for their parents by Laurie Zelinger
Please explain Alzheimer’s to me: A children’s story and parent handbook about dementia by Laurie Zelinger