My play therapy colleague and New York based child psychologist and author, Dr. Laurie Zelinger, PhD, ABPP, RPT-S, has contributed to a very helpful article for us grown-ups as we try to help children navigate their feelings and cope with the terror, anxiety, confusion, and helplessness after yet another tragic school shooting. Please click the link for the full article (permission granted):
I encourage us all to follow Dr. Zelinger's Pearls of Wisdom (P: Prepare; E: Explain, A: Answer, R: Reassure, L: Listen, S: Safeguard), to reflect on the words of dear Mister Fred Rogers, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping,” and to give extra long snuggles today and in the the days ahead.